Monday, January 30, 2012

Pass the Article

Several months ago, one of my favorite blogs, A Cup of Jo, was discussing ways to beat the winter blues.  Joanna suggested starting an Article Club.  The idea behind it is simple: which group of friends has time to read a whole book per month?  Wouldn't it be more realistic (and fun) to pick an interesting article, read it and have a thoughtful discussion? 

January seemed like the perfect month to begin Article Club--an activity to look forward to after the busy holiday season.  My suggestion to the group was to read two articles per month: one that more "newsy" and one that kept the mood on the lighter side.

Laine was kind enough to host the inaugural Capitol Hill chapter meeting.  We met at her place last Thursday evening for a fun time of discussion.  Since she was the hostess, Laine chose our reading material.

We decided to come up with a name for our group.  Each person threw suggestions into the "ring" and after some discussion, the PTA was born:

Pass the Article

Delicious pigs in a blanket with Laine's homemade mustard dip!

Mini quiche 

We has lots of great name options!

Our lovely hostess, Miss Evans

My delightful roomie, Lee

Hopefully I'm saying something intelligent.  Either that, or practicing my finger puppet moves.

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